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Hyun Jou Lee was born October 6th 1965 in Korea. As long as the artist can remember, painting has always been important to her. It was a way to express her feelings after being separated from her parents at a very young age.

The organic shapes appearing in her works are often animated by a life of its own which echoes to all species that populate nature, a lot like the shells that she picked up as a child while strolling on the beach. Aren't those shapes souvenirs of a life that we try so hard to forget and that catches up to us? Nevertheless, those vestiges of the past are sometimes the only reassuring aspects. They are so familiar to us.

The gesture on her paintings is brisk, almost unfinished, stamped with a constant renewed freedom. In her constructions, multiple geometric shapes cross each other: circular arcs, triangles, squares and broken lines. The isolated and entangled shapes are hence survivors of a battle where art is the battlefield.

The visions on her paintings are all attempts to reduce the time-space and to reconstruct the past, the present and the future.
